
Sally Box


Sally Box has been a member of Hospital Radio for some fourteen years. She joined when she retired from quite a serious desk job back in 2006.

Her original training was for the stage at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, which was rather longer ago than she likes to admit! Throughout her life, Sally has always continued her love of the theatre, music and poetry. When the opportunity to volunteer at Hospital Radio Plymouth came along post-retirement, it was a dream come true!

Her programme, Poems for Pleasure, is broadcast on Tuesday from 7 pm – 7:30 pm. Being that time of day when many of us are settling down for a little relaxation, the show aims to entertain with a mixture of music, poetry and prose. The music is mainly light classical, featuring composers such as Ralph Vaughan Williams, Eric Coates and George Gershwin. Sally also plays traditional jazz by favourites like Duke Ellington and Lionel Hampton.

Much of the poetry Sally reads on the show is from the 19th Century. It includes verses by many much-loved poets such as William Wordsworth, Robert Louis Stevenson and Emily Bronte just to name just a few.

As well as broadcasting her show, Sally Box also values the opportunity Hospital Radio Plymouth gives her to meet people. She very much enjoys visiting patients and staff in the wards and meeting up with her co-volunteers at the station. Although she must be one of the oldest kids on the block she hopes to be around for a long time to come.

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